Pursuant to §6 of the TMG
DiWa Import Services (Germany)
Wiesham 1
85567 Grafing b. Muenchen
Phone: +49 8092 868 0897
Walter Dittmann
General disclaimer
No liability can be assumed for completeness, editorial or technical mistakes, omissions as well as the accuracy of information. In particular, no responsibility can be accepted for the completeness or correctness of information contained in external websites which can be accessed via links from our websites. Providers are responsible for their own content, which they make available for use, according to general laws. Our own contents are to be distinguished from cross-references to the contents provided by others. Hyperlinks to external websites are for information only. The responsibility for these external contents lies solely with the provider who maintains the website. Prior to setting such a link, the websites of other providers have been checked with great care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness or accuracy of information obtained through external hyperlinks. The content of external websites can be changed any time without our knowledge. The following applies to all links on these pages: We emphasize that we neither have any influence on the design or contents of websites of other providers accessible through links from our homepage nor do we adopt the contents as our own. This declaration applies to all pages of this homepage and the links contained therein. Should we refer to websites whose content may be inappropriate, please let us know.
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